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Student Evaluation & Grading Policies


            It is highly recommended that each student have a three-ring binder with dividers to use in class each day to organize the music and any handouts or worksheets that will be given to them.  Also recommended is a pencil in order to take notes.


Daily Class Participation - 25%


            As an activity-based class, energetic participation is required in the daily rehearsals.  Students are to be in class on time, in their seats with appropriate materials, and ready to actively participate in each class session.  They are expected to be professional and should aim to be a positive, contributing member of the class.


Class Assignments and Homework - 20%


            Students will complete a variety of assignments, worksheets and information sheets that will be collected at various times for a grade.  Show Choir and Advanced Girls will be required to do a review and critique of a High School or Junior High Choral or Musical Theater Performance.  Musical Productions, Freshman Choir, and Junior High Chorus will be assigned a Video Review and critique.  One concert evaluation per semester will be assigned. 


In-Class Quizzes and Tests - 20% 


            Students will be learning the language of music and thus, many skills and techniques to be able to speak and read that language.  Students will be given benchmark exams in musical vocabulary, music theory, sight-reading, vocal technique, and choreography.


Rehearsals and Performances - 35%


            After-school rehearsals and performances are mandatory to fulfill the requirements of the class and are to be considered as tests and quizzes.  Performances are the assessment tool used to determine the level of progress that the student has made throughout the year.  All choir students are required to attend their designated Rehearsals and Performances for the Broadway Show, Community Caroling, Festival Preview Concert, AUHSD Choir Festival, and Pops Show.  Show Choir, Advanced Girls & Musical Productions will participate in the Major Works Concert in addition. 


            An unexcused absence to a rehearsal or performance will result in an automatic zero grade.  Dental and non-emergency medical appointments, tutoring, lessons, non-OA athletic practices or games, etc. during show week will not be excused so please plan your schedule accordingly.  When your family has a conflict with a required event your students are responsible to submit an Excuse Request Form that can be found in the classroom.  This form must be submitted two weeks prior to the event to be missed for the absence to be considered.  NOTE: Requests not submitted in a timely manner will not be considered.  You will be notified within a week if your absence will be excused.  If your absence is excused your student will be given an assignment to make up the points that are missed.  Illnesses and deaths in the family will have special consideration and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.  The student is responsible to obtain the extra credit assignment. 


            Choir and OA athletics work together to ensure that students are able to participate in as many activities as possible.  Our general policy is that a choir performance takes precedence over a sports practice and a game takes precedence over a choir rehearsal.  When there is a conflict with games and performances, administration, choir, coaches and the parents, will discuss the best course of action.


            During Show Week the priority is the student’s academics.  Your students will have time during rehearsal to do homework but please encourage your students to plan well in advance and not to procrastinate during show week.  If your student becomes ill during show week they should not miss school in order to come to the show.  If you are too sick to come to school, then you are too sick to come to the rehearsal or performance. 



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